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Pictures from our Meetings/Events

So what exactly do y'all do during meetings . . . ?

​      Meetings start at 7 and we usually start off by getting in a circle and stating what the best part of our week has been, then we'll discuss a topic, and finally we end our meeting with a fun game to shake things up a bit. While not everyone may choose to talk during the meetings, afterwards we try to eat someplace either on or off campus in a tradition we call, Family Dinner.


     Here at GSA, we try to include everyone under the LGBTQ Rainbow as well as our straight allies! While the first couple of meeting may be a bit intimidating and we have quite a few colorful characters, don't be afraid to speak up!



Student Involvement Fair!!

So while we won't be having a meeting on August the 29th, we would love for y'all to meet us and find out what we're all about plus get some candy at the Student Involvement Fair! It'll be outside White Hall from 11-2pm!  Our first actual meeting will be next week so we'll keep ya posted till then.










HOLY SHIT WHAT A TURNOUT! So here's what you missed if you couldn't or just didn't know about the GSA meeting tonight. Over 50 students showed up at Rm 357 in the Student Center from a plethora of backgrounds and orientations! We started off with our usual name and best part of the week (mine was obviously the meeting!) then Outsource gave a presentation and finally the real fun started! With activities ranging from just chatting in a circle, playing Cards Against Humanity, and playing Cross the Line, hopeully everyone found an activity that suited them as well as some new friends! Finally we ended the night off with a game of Sit Down Stand Up and then family dinner at CANES!!! So to sum things up: Fun was had, games were played, and almost everyone saw someone that turned them on!





Hey guys, once again we decided to play some get-to-know-you games, but this time we got a bit more one on one. We started off with that game from Inglorious Basterds, where you have like a card on your forehead and then you gotta guess who you are (we made do with post-its and a lack of Tarantino blood-splatter). Then I think we did some odd version of postman but drawing on a person's back (no one was even close to the orginal picture, people apparently have very little sense of feeling on their back). Then, I can't remember what we did . . . yeah. Oh well, the meeting ended and so we went to Tolly-Ho's afterward and lots of  singing was done, sadly no recordings since I forgot my SD card. Anywho, look forward to next week since I'll be bringing cupcakes!  





This week was a new experience for those not used to the regular format, we started our first discussion! The exciting topic at hand was the Russian winter Olympics and whether or not to boycott it due to their anti-homosexual legislature. Basically,Putin hates the gays. Anywho, a lot of valuable opinions were shared (some a little far-fetched but who am I to judge since I didn't partake!) and brains expanded with the knowledge of awesomeness of what they learned that night! Afterward we went to Qdoba, where everyone feasted on giant burritos packed with cheese and 1,100 calories or more!





Well this week we had a returning speaker from last year: Blake from AVOL (click the word AVOL to learn more!) who brought along some facts on STDs, condoms and lube, as well as a giant bag full of dildoes (dildi?)!!! True story: HIV probably originated from a hunter in Africa who killed an ape that had Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and got it prolly from an open wound. Anywho, after learning all those interesting facts, we got some condoms and played with dildoes, then we played Sit Down Stand Up!! Afterwards we went to Red Bang Bang, which is amazingly delicious!  





Alright so I haven't updated the site in the past four weeks and it's currently November so the entier month of October will be based on memory. This week I believe we held a discussion on how we as an LGBTQ community feels on campus as well in the surrounding areas. There were valid points about how some areas are more accepting, like bigger cities, as well as some colleges here at UK, such as the School of Fine Arts. We probably played Sit Down Stand Up. Maybe Four Corners, but probably not.





So this was a heavy week. This week, in honor of Coming Out Day this coming Friday, we discussed Coming Out and what it means to come out. Stories ranged from emotionally heart wrenching to freakin hillarious (I'm looking at you Eli), but each shared the emotional freedom that is brought with coming out. Honestly this was probably the most touching day for all of those in attendance and hopefully helped to show each of our members that they are not alone in this.  





So after the emotional tear-jerker that was coming out day we needed to lighten things up and lighten they did. This week we wrote down and discussed our likes and dislikes in possible partners. This was then laughed at, found mildly disturbing, as well as genereally agreed upon as was the case with mutual respect for one another (outside of the bedroom in some cases).  We then played sit down stand up and probably ate somewhere.  





Coming back to discussions as our main activity, we decided upon a topic that almost all would know about: pop culture. Specifically how we in the LGBTQ community are being portrayed whether through tv, radio, or music. With sources from Macklemore's Same Love to Glee's multitude of characters we found that not all shades of the rainbow were being fairly represented. Our primary gay and lesbian figureheads were found to be Ellen DeGeneres and Neil Patrick Harris, yet neither is heavily involved in political issues which then sparked a debate on how we should be fighting for our presentation in media as well as governmental power. 





So after many laborous weeks of slaving away at desks and biting our fingernails at coming midterms, the GSA decided to have a pizza party which was then followed by a trip to the Kentucky Theater to see Rocky Horror Picture Show! with it being Halloween costumes were a must, with yours truly choosing to be a guinea pig! So basically all in all, pretty damn awesome. 

University of Kentucky Gay-​Straight Alliance

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